How to protect your summer from summer heat? Xiao Bian one of the commonly used method of summer heatstroke is to savor a sweet taro ice cream, instantly feel all the irritable disappear. Taro ice cream has a cool sweet taste, in our clothing can also be used. It is one of the most commonly used colors in Macaron's color system and has long been loved by many women. Today Xiaobian will introduce two from the red bamboo women summer taro purple clothing with the summer sweat, quickly take a look at it.


Red bamboo summer ladies taro purple shirt, hazy exquisite chiffon fabric, looming and cool and breathable, both sexy and comfortable. Layered lace lace hem for sweet extra points. Taro purple kind of quiet, elegant girl style no lack of color, making the white or dark can be controlled without pressure.

香芋紫是什么颜色  香芋紫服装搭配

Pink Satisfied Taro purple exudes a faint taste of girls, like gardenia spread like flowers. Waist, cuff lace garter embellishment, not only decorated with the gentle and affectionate woman's personality, but also elaborated on the romance of the day left unresolved edge. White pants and silver handbag, intellectual and elegant mix of summer OL.

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