At present, the main jade varieties in the market are divided into Xinjiang Hetian Seed Jade, Qinghai Mountain Material, Henan Nanyang Jade, Liaoning Yuyu, Russian Jade, Canadian Jade, Korean Jade, Myanmar Burma, Inner Mongolia Jade, etc., including white jade and sapphire. Qingbaiyu, ink jade, jasper, topaz.

Korean jade is a kind of jade. Introduced to China in the 1990s, its characteristics:

1: The general color is grayish gray, and the amount of white is small;

2: There are more fierce, which may be related to the mining method;

3: Hardness and goodness.


Some whiteness is better, between Qinghai jade and Russian jade. Therefore, merchants often pretend to sell Hetian jade to consumers. In recent years, Korean jade has been more fake.

Compared with Xinjiang Hetian jade, which is priced at hundreds of thousands of yuan in the market, some jade products from foreign countries are much lower, such as Korean jade that enters Yangzhou. Han Bai material is a tremolite, so it is in line with the international JADE title. The whole case of Korean materials is sealed in wooden boxes. Buyers must buy them in full boxes. Some scattered jade blocks are placed on the ground. Buyers can choose them at a minimum price of 800 yuan/kg. According to industry insiders, this price can be regarded as "cabbage price". It is estimated that the total reserves in Korea will not be much, and the domestic consumption of Guangdong, Henan and Anhui is very large; Suzhou and Yangzhou are also used.

Korean jade, the color is generally cyan or white, more pleasing, hardness and density close to Hetian jade, often used by bad businessmen to pretend to be Hetian jade, photos are difficult to distinguish, strong killing.

Very helpless, Han Bai material is tremolite, so it is in line with the international JADE title, the certificate is: "Hetian jade", white jade, refractive index: 1.60; density: 2.95; oil appearance: higher than Qinghai material, throw The light is similar to that of Hetian Mountain; however, there are more flashing ash and more true whiteness, and the matt oil does not lose and the material. The price (CIF) is about 300 yuan/kg at the beginning of the year; the current average price is 800 yuan/kg; the good white material is 1800 yuan/kg, which is estimated to rise.


Can you recognize the Korean materials in processing and processing?

Korean jade can be said to be a mixture of Qinghai material and Russian material. The difference between it and Qinghai material is mainly that there is no Qinghai material. After polishing, there is no strong glass luster of Qinghai material, and it looks like plastic before polishing. The difference between it and the Russian material is mainly that it is not so white, the color of white Korean jade is very close to Hetian jade, but there is no oil in Hetian. The difference after polishing is not very big, and the master is easy to take medicine. Finish the core corner of the bracelet!



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