The home decoration market has gradually matured, and home decoration has become more rational. People have begun to abandon the inherent concepts and re-examine the practicality and purpose and significance of decoration in traditional decoration. In the future, there will be the following trends and hot spots in home improvement:

1, the design function is supreme

Practical functionalist renovations will arise. Home decoration is centered on people and families to meet functional needs and strive to create a comfortable home environment. The decoration and decoration of various home styles pay attention to simplicity and brightness, emphasizing people-oriented, less and less demanding for complicated styling, and even abandoning the cumbersome decoration with weak function.

Eight popular fashion standards for designing home decoration design

Eight functional styles of design-oriented home decoration design

2, style farewell to a unique design began to be in line with internationalization, style tends to diversify.

Chinese style, Japanese style, Korean style, classical style, neo-classical style, modern style, post-modern style and European style are emerging together. At the same time, the designer's level and design quality are getting more and more attention. To find excellent designers in excellent home improvement companies, and to discuss the excellent home design solutions become the premise of home decoration.

3, pure color is popular

The color of the home improvement will be more bold and flexible. Blue, light yellow and light pink are outdated, pure yellow, apple green, sea blue and dark gray, and even red and other colors are used more. The calm and individualized brown furniture such as cabinets, coffee tables and dining tables and chairs are highly regarded by successful people. The red and pink color is the main color of sofas and bedding. Wood-finished furniture has withdrawn from the mainstream, and materials such as oil blending and fireproof panels have become increasingly popular due to their rich colors.