The curtain generally comprises two parts of the outer window cloth and the inner layer of the curtain, and the cloth and the yarn are matched and coordinated. There are many kinds of raw materials for curtain fabrics and yarns. They are mainly divided into two categories: natural fiber fabrics (including cotton, hemp, silk, wool, etc.) and man-made fabrics.

Identify high-quality curtains, you can see two touches. By observing the overall effect, color and texture of the curtain, according to the characteristics of the above materials, a rough judgment is made; then it is to look at the hand and grasp the folds. Generally speaking, the good curtains have the function of pleating, that is, the curtain can automatically restore the original shape after being grasped by hand.

The PK of domestic and foreign goods has always been continuous. In fact, domestically produced materials are not inferior to imported materials and are in line with national standards. Imported materials with expensive curtains may be more elaborate in the process, and some are even commercial hype, which is not very different from domestic materials.

American garden home multi-purpose natural material

The style of the curtains mostly depends on the overall style and function of the space being decorated.

American pastoral natural style home, mostly using pure natural materials. The materials are light and thin, the color is relatively simple, and the curtains with small floral patterns bring a refreshing and easy-to-nature natural atmosphere.

Modern style residences, you can choose some curtains with more colors and more active lines. In the decoration of furniture, you can also abandon non-functional accessories such as laces and pendants, reflecting the simplicity of fashion.

European elegant and luxurious home can choose the hand-feeling and drape curtains. The color should not be too bright and lively. To reduce the heavy feeling of European curtains and increase the summer style, you can reduce some traditional big curtains and laces, including Some crystal pendants and other decorations.

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