Li Jianchun and Li Wanwan, the head of the exhibition planning department of the National Museum of China, and other well-known domestic experts discussed the design and planning of the Binbin Museum Group in Babin Road.

The Museum of Ancient Chinese Plastic Art at Babin Road, including the Ancient Chinese Jade Museum, the Ancient Chinese Porcelain Museum, the Bronze Art Museum, and the Ancient Chinese Statue Museum, will be led by Li Wanwan.

In addition to the Museum of Ancient Chinese Plastic Art, Babin Road will also build a museum of Chinese modern and contemporary culture. “Chongqing is one of the most active places in modern Chinese art, and it has rich resources for modern and contemporary cultural works.” Professor Wu Yingqi, a well-known collector of China and the former vice president of the School of Humanities and Arts of Chongqing University, said.

The relevant person in charge of the Babin Road Economic Belt Construction Management Committee participated in the seminar. After the completion of the China Modern and Modern Culture Museum, it will collect works by well-known modern and contemporary artists at home and abroad.